After learning that newly elected Maine Governors could receive unlimited contributions from corporations for their inauguration and transition committees, with donations as high as $20,000, he introduced LD 833 An Act to Establish Separate Inauguration and Transition Committees for a Governor-elect and to Limit Donations to Each. The bill caps donations to the committees at the same amount they are allowed to receive during the campaign. The bill received unanimous approval from the Maine House and Senate and became law March 24, 2024.
A local rancher reached out asking for assistance regarding businesses claiming their beef was grass-fed when in fact it was grass-fed and then grain-finished. This incorrect designation was then being perpetuated by restaurants who were proud to claim their hamburgers and steaks were “Maine grass-fed.” Rep. Boyer introduced LD 834 An Act to Ensure Transparency in the Labeling of Meat as Grass-fed as a legislative fix to the loophole these businesses were operating under. The bill received unanimous approval from the Maine House and Senate and became law on May 8, 2023.